Well, in 1970 I entered college, not really looking for an education, but a way to leave home and be on my own. I gave little thought to why one went to college, you know, to prepare one for making a living, I just moved on to better things. Then a Mission took me away for 2 years, where I started figuring life out. When I returned, I was a much different student. Now I had a goal to find my eternal soul-mate and get a job to raise a family. I found my soul-mate after 8 months of searching. She was beautiful, and made me want to find the key to success so we could have all a family needed, two cars, a home and a TV, VCR, Atari video game system!
As a married student, I worked at a Zales Jewelers in the mall, managed a small apartment building and Faye worked at a pet shop as a dog groomer. We were happy. Cherstin was born! When Faye was pregnant with Natalie, I had worried that I could afford two children and a wife, so I went into business with a partner and we opened two jewelery stores with plans to have 10 stores within 2 years. School was left uncompleted; I lacked 24 credit hours to complete my degree.
Well, the business was successful. School was forgotten. I went on to sell my portion of the business and go into managing shopping centers, then formed a marketing company that took us to Columbus, OH. I then went to the Limited, Inc and finally took a great opportunity in Phoenix as Director of Strategic Planning with Checker Auto parts. Education was still forgotten.
Then I noticed that my lack of academic credentials was a big negative in my professional career. I spent some time self-justifying that life experience had taught me more than any moldy professor could have, but gradually I resigned myself to the fact that careers must be build upon a foundation of academic preparation. It was a credential that was expected and required.
At 51 years of age I went back to school. I lost all but 33 of my original 99 credit hours from BYU and stared back to taking college classes. At this time I was Bishop and working full time. I almost fainted while trying to master college algebra in online classes of a very concentrated 5 week course.
I got my Bachelor's degree in Business Marketing at age 55 and just completed my Master's degree in Organizational Psychology at age 57. I am glad I could finally reach my academic goals and attain today's minimum requirement in education for serious consideration for a position in corporate America. The problem was...
The Problem was that I did it backwards. I am now competing with younger Master's graduates and young is preferred to, well, not-so-young. My message to my children and son in laws, and anyone else that sees this is, "Get your education now!" There are ways to do it. You can get an education loan. You can choose an online University. You can find the time. My message is, "Do it now."
It will prepare you for your future. I wished I had had a person in my life that would have pushed me to stay in school, get that Master's degree in my 20's or 30's so it could have blessed my family for all that time. But I did not. So, here's my message of love to you. Do it now. An eduction is the key that unlocks the door for your future.
Love to all! DAD
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I did it backwards, but I did it!
Posted by
Sandberg Family
8:59 AM
Labels: Graduation
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Natalie
Happy Birthday Natalie,
How do you like this picture? I thought I would just throw it in to make Brad jealous! haha
Dad and I were talking about your birthday on our way home from Tiffany's and we feel so sad that we don't get to be with you on special occasions and hope you feel our love even though we're so far away and we don't have as much contact with you and your beautiful family as we would like to have.
You are such a lovely lady and one to be admired for all of your wonderful talents and abilities. You bring joy to everyone whose life you touch which is everyone that you meet. You are the kind of person that people don't forget because of your beautiful smile and the kind way that you treat others.
I've always been so amazed that Heavenly Father blessed us with such beautiful and talented children. We couldn't have been happier throughout those wonderful growing up years in our home. We have such fond memories of each stage of life with you and your sisters and brother.
I loved being a room mom for your classes at school and enjoying all the things you did for each season of the year. I was on the PTA board in Sandy when you where in Elementary school and that was awesome to be a part of your life at school and you liked to help me with the drawings we would do for the bulletin board. Remember how I would take the picture and project it on the wall and it would make it large enough for the board and we would trace it and then color it in for all the different seasons? I really miss those magicial days and I miss watching you guys grow up and seeing the excitment you felt in each new stage of life. Those memories are priceless.
I remember when you had your huge picture of the Old Indian Chief that you drew on the wall at your middle school in Ohio and I was so proud of you I could hardly stand it. I always wanted to take all of my friends to the school to brag about your talents.haha I couldn't help it!haha
Then it was so fun to watch you and Cherstin in high school with all the fun programs that Mrs. Stonebreaker did and you guys were always front and center and I again was so proud of my girls. I especially loved the little mermaid program that you guys did.It was the best I've ever seen and I think about it and how magicial it was sometimes when I'm remembering those good years. I really miss them.
It was so fun to watch you get a little older and start to date and see what boys started hanging around the house. I loved helping you and Cherstin get ready for your dances and it seems like you always either went together or maybe we were just helping you both get ready and I just thought you were always together. ha
It was so nice that you got to go back to Ohio for graduation and be a part of the show there. I remember they let you play the piano and sing a song by yourself even after you had been gone from the school for awhile and I was impressed that they would do that for you. I'm sure it's because you were so special and so talented.
I hope you enjoyed your growing up years Natty, and that you have great memories of those years because you sure made them special for our family. You were always such a calming influence on the rest of the kids when there were fights going on around you. We were impressed with how you would always be the peacemaker for everyone and it really helped with the contention level in our family. We can see that influence in your family too. You always show love and patience with your kids no matter how crazy things get. You are a wonderful wife and Mom and so very talented in so many ways. We are so proud to be your parents. We love you very very much and hope you had a wonderful birthday this year!!!!!!! Mom and Dad
Posted by
Sandberg Family
8:30 AM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Memories of Tiffany - Happy Birthday
There are many things that come to mind when I think of my life with Tiffany. First, she came into this life startling everyone, being early. No offense to your sisters, but they were late! Tiffany, number four in birth order, came early, making me think that it was a competition, and she was going to beat her siblings. Of course the number one family story is when Tiffany as a 3 year old, tugged on our Bishop's coat and said when he leaned down to hear what she had to say, "Ya know what? My dad is a pervert." Where did she get that? We moved shortly after that. The years in Ohio bring memories of the black, stick-on earrings, trips in the car playing the State Capitals game, and Judy Kyees talent shows. Then soccer came into Tiff's life. One game, we showed up an hour early and Tiff and I just made a mental movie of her playing in the world cup, shooting on goal against Italy and stuffing it in the upper left corner. The crowd went wild and Tiff's shot won the game. Then, in her game that day, she made the exact shot! From that point on, she was a scoring machine.
We played many family games in Ohio. SPUD was a favorite; we liked our trampoline, and the tether-ball. Mostly, we played soccer. When Ryan came along, she taught Ryan to play soccer. She put up her goal in the front yard and had him stand in as goalie. She would blast it past him every time. It's a wonder he thought it was fun - Tiff was just toughing him up for U3 soccer! Fire was the semi-pro team for Tiff. I was most proud when Tiff made the tough decision to quit rather than play or practice on Sunday. That was a character-building decision, with no input from mom or dad.
When we moved to Park City and Left you behind, I realized that nothing could be worth not having you with us. When you came up to stay with us after you graduated from High School, we enjoyed you so much. You were funny and a treat. You even started recruiting your friends to sell Prepaid Legal (Ugh!). I enjoyed helping you buy your first new car, the Kia Rio. You helped us find a new home (on Malibu) and a new school for Ryan. Then after a brief stay in jail, you found Chris, and moved away! Thanks for all the good memories! You have been easy to love ever since you appeared on the scene. We love you, Tiffany. Happy Birthday!
Tiff, I hope you know how much you are loved and have been such a blessing to our family from the first time we laid eyes on you. We have loved to watch you grow and have enjoyed all of the little Tiffany sayings that have become regular sayings in our house. Remember this one: IT’S A PARTY, BUT NOT FOR YOU! How about: YOU FARTED, YOU STINK!, YOU PIG!, I WANTA BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE THAT WHEN YOU GET UP ON THE STAGE, PEOPLE CLAP! Ha Ha, COULD YOU NOT! AND THE VERY BEST ONE: I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!! You have always been so fun and loving to your family and we are so thankful for your happy, quick wit. You always make me laugh even when you are having a bad day you still come up with funny things to say that make me laugh. I love you so much and I wish I could go back at least one day in time to when you and I would hang out all day together before Ryan was born and the other girl’s were in school. Those were magical memories of my sweet little Tiffany that I will always cherish. Thank you for all of your hard work. It’s not easy to be a full time Mom and the world doesn’t give Mom’s a lot of credit but I hope you feel loved and the people that matter the most love you so much and appreciate all that you do. You are so beautiful and talented and I’m very proud to say that I’m your Mom. I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such wonderful children. Thank you so much for being such a great wife, daughter , Mom, sister, friend, and neighbor. You do so much for so many people and it shows because you have so many friends. I couldn’t love you more, I’m sure of it!!!!!!!!! Mom
Posted by
Sandberg Family
9:03 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Penn State Adopts Mormonism
Due to the untiring efforts of two missionaries from Arizona, Elder Sandberg and Elder Welker, who didn't know that Pennsylvania was predominately Catholic, mass baptisms were held in the Penn State University Stadium. "We thought that was what we came here for." Elder Sandberg from Gilbert, Arizona explained to school authorities last night, "There wasn't much else we could do," the school president announced, "These missionaries were just too powerful; the student just welcomed these missionaries with open arms (which is forbidden in Mormon Doctrine) and the people just fell in love with them," he said.
In just two months, Elder Sandberg and Elder Welker baptized over 20,000 Penn State Students and Faculty. The Stadium was the only facility large enough to hold the baptismal candidates and their families for the service. The Stadium is shown, above, with all the participants dressed in white, either being baptized or performing baptisms. All local stores were totally depleted of white clothing, which the Mormons use for their baptismal services.
"Nothing like this has ever happened to us," the mayor of State College explained to the news media. With 92.3 percent of all student baptized, the missionaries were planning to visit Ohio State University's campus next.
Posted by
Sandberg Family
2:39 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cherstin at 5
February 19th is Cherstin's 33 birthday. Wow, how can that be? I remember her as this golden-haired beautiful 5 year old, with the talent of wrapping her daddy around her finger. She was cute and cuddly, and full of her own ideas. She liked to be the boss if she could get away with it (most often she could). She loved her My Pretty Ponies and her Barbies. Her favorite thing was going to McDonalds for a berger and fries (In case you wondered how she got her nick-name). She was delighted when Natalie came along so she had someone to play "the boss of me." At first, Cherstin was not happy that Natalie stayed. She was always trying to turn over Natalie's bassinet. But slowly, she liked Natalie and soon they were playmates and "sisters." I always loved to carry Cherstin on my shoulders when we went hiking in the woods. She was a cute little daughter that owned her daddy's heart. Happy Birthday, Cherstin!
Posted by
Sandberg Family
10:05 AM
Happy Birthday Cherstin
Happy Birthday Sweet Cherstin, I hope you feel our love for you on this very special day! Can you believe that you were ever that young when you look at this picture of us on the bed. I was only Ryan's age there and I couldn't believe that I was so blessed to have such a beautiful little angel as you in my life. You have brought us so much joy over the years with your love for life and everything in it. You have always been an activities director your whole life. You were always so involved in the world around you and wanting to make friends and be the best friend you could be to others. You are still that same way and I'm sure that all of your friends feel lucky to have you in their lives, I know that's how all of your family feels about you. Heavenly Father has blessed our family with alot of happiness and love and you have been such a big part of bringing joy to your sisters and their families. It's pretty awesome when your sisters are also your best friends. They all love you so much! I'm amazed to watch you as an adult and realize that you have grown into such a beautiful and talented woman. I could not have taken care of everything in Dad's absence the way you have done every summer when Don has to leave the family to go to Iraq.I would have fallen apart the 1st time and probably would have gone home to my family to help me but you just keep on going and taking care of everything and I'm so proud of you. I hope you have a deep inner peace inside confirming to you what an awesome young woman you are. You have so much talent to share with others and you should always have the confidence to hold your head high and show the world what an incredible woman you are. We all love you and believe that you can do anything that you decide you want to do. You are Awesome and Wonderful and I hope you have the very best birthday that you have ever had. We love you so very much!!!!! Mom
Posted by
Sandberg Family
10:01 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Fantasy Companionship
We were both about 20 years old in this picture. Hmm. I guess we don't look much alike. Fashion wise, 1972 meets 2008! Ties used to look like table cloths.
Posted by
Sandberg Family
3:41 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hmm, Who's this in the picture?
Posted by
Sandberg Family
4:35 PM
I wasn't always 56!
Posted by
Sandberg Family
3:09 PM